Online Training in the Frame of Erasmus+ Project Role of Universities in the Regional Development – RURD
On January 25-27 and February 4, 2021 the first online training in Strategic Planning and International Cooperation Strategy was offered to the project consortium members by the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) within the frame of Erasmus + CBHE project Role of Universities in the Regional Development – RURD.
The content of the training programme was focused on the issues of strategic planning, university mission, vision, SWOT analysis, international cooperation and university – industry relationships. The training was equally dedicated to the theoretical part as well as practical topics.
The aim of the Erasmus + CBHE project Role of Universities in the Regional Development – RURD is to make Georgian regional HEIs more relevant to the communities and regions they are located and to serve as a basis for regional development.
For more information, please visit https://rurd.atsu.edu.ge/